The hardware-software complex belongs
to SoftSwitch category of 5th class
Call Center

Product ideology Basic difference of CallCenter from IP PBX consists in call routing ideology. Main feature is that in CallCenter subscriber should be surely and promptly connected to any authorized operator, and the operator should be advised, on which kind of service he has a queue. IP PBX ideology is that incoming call should be routed to subscriber station, which corresponds to number resource. Here routing rules do not depend on presence of called subscriber at his place. In CallCenter calls are routed only to those operators who have declared their readiness to receive the calls. Incoming calls are held until operator is free from current connection. Additionally, tools are offered for call progress monitoring, conversation recording, bringing supervisor into conversation in mute mode or operator prompting mode. There also is difference in call counting. Call cost is counted for both incoming and outgoing calls.

Main product features

1) Possibility of connection to public network based on DSS1 protocol via E1 interface.
2) Support of SIP and H323 protocols.
3) Operator connection via SoftPhones and any other IP-telephony devices, as well as via conventional phones of public network.
4) Incoming and outgoing traffic counting.
5) Recording of all conversations (additional file server may be required depending on number of operators).
6) Listening to all current conversations with possibility to give operator a prompt
7) Definition of services provided by CallCenter and allocation of operators by service with giving them qualifications
8) Necessity of operator registration via Web with possibility to temporarily block incoming calls.
9) Queue monitoring by operator himself.
10) Automatic operator blocking if he does not answer the calls.
11) Possibility of VIP subscribers identification.
12) Raise of CRM activity.
13) Compatibility with Microsoft CRM, Microsoft certified.  

IP-PBX is the newest achievement in technology of voice communication providing. It is intended for telephone connection providing for companies of several people to several thousand people.
Call Center
Product ideology Basic difference of CallCenter from IP PBX consists in call routing ideology.
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